Predict - Prevent - Prepare is the motto of FIDO FIRST AID. The interactive class educates pet care givers and owners...
Students study lifesaving skills
HeartLINK volunteered their services to train teen parents in South Salem, Oregon. They taught the young parents...
Health and Safety…what to do if something goes wrong…
HeartLINK Health Services teaches classes to prevent injuries from happening to your employees. And most importantly...
ZOLL AED Plus® Replacement Padz and Batteries
Making a list. Checking it twice. Going to find out who's... CPR-D Padz ($159) Batteries ($69) First Aid Kit ($160)...
Life-Saving First Aid Kits
A well stocked first aid kit is imperative! To be prepared in an emergency you should always have one handy. Keep a...
Family and Friends CPR – Give the Gift of Life
If a family member, friend or child in your care had a cardiac or first aid emergency, would you recognize the signs...
CPR & AED Awareness Week
Win a free AED Plus to donate to a charitable organization in your community. Register Now!
CPR Save
Dozens of people take turns performing CPR on one victim, Howard Snitzer. Nationwide, only about 5% of people who...
WIN a FREE AED Defibrillator
ZOLL Medical has a special promotion in February for Heart Month. Enter to win a free ZOLL AED Plus for your community...
CPR Saves Family Pet
New American Heart Association Guidelines
A link to the new video guidelines/information for CPR: